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Linden Police Department to Participate in Cops in Crosswalks Campaign


On Friday, August 18th, the Linden Police Department will partner with AAA Northeast to conduct Cops in Crosswalks.

According to officials, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. members of the Linden Police Department and AAA, Northeast work to increase awareness for pedestrian safety and attempt to alter driver behavior on the streets of Linden.

Officials said with the amount of pedestrian involved motor vehicle crashes across the country on the rise, the state of New Jersey is not any different.

In an attempt to address the issue, AAA Northeast has worked with multiple police departments on their streets.

AAA offers the program and New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety funds it.

The way the program works is simple: Police departments identify locations in town with high pedestrian traffic or an increased number of motor vehicle crashes involving pedestrians, or sometimes both.

AAA provides trained pedestrian decoys that work with police officers to identify violations. If a violation occurs, motorists are stopped and either issued summonses or warnings.

“We are always searching for ways to make our roads safer for pedestrians,” said Linden Traffic Bureau Lieutenant William Mack.

“AAA Northeast shares our commitment to safer roadways, and we are excited to have their resources available to us.”

While this enforcement campaign will focus on motorists, safety on the roads is a shared responsibility between all users of the roadway. Drivers are offered the following advice to assist in pedestrian safety:

• Stop for pedestrians in marked crosswalks. Failure to stop carries a $200 (court costs additional) fine, a 2 point license penalty, 15 days community service, and insurance surcharges.

• Watch for pedestrians when turning right on red.

• Obey speed limits.

• Do not block or park in crosswalks.

• Keep your windshield clean for maximum visibility.

• Be alert for pedestrians at all times.