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Delaware Community Correctional Facility Escapee Captured in New Jersey

Montclair New Jersey

A 31-year-old man attempting to sell a stolen camera in New Jersey, reportedly escaped from a Delaware community correctional facility in December.

According to authorities, police arrested David Succarote in Montclair on Jan. 15, after he allegedly tried to sell a stolen camera to a local antique store.

Officials say the camera, valued at $11,000, had been stolen from a Church Street apartment building. Succarote has since been charged with receiving stolen property.

Although the incident remains under investigation, police have not released details of how Succarote got a hold of the camera or confirmed his ties to Montclair.

According to authorities, on Dec. 25, 2018, Succarote climbed over the perimeter fence of the Plummer Community Corrections Center who manages offenders transitioning back into the community. According to unconfirmed reports, Succarote was serving time for a probation violation.