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New Healthy Spruce Trees Come to Bloomfield Town Hall


Two Colorado Blue Spruce trees outside Town Hall were recently taken down but later this week will be replaced by younger, healthier trees that are expected to remain strong and vibrant for decades, if not centuries to come.

“The spruce trees outside of Town Hall are a part of our community. They are decorated for Christmas, and provide shade for pedestrians and everyone who visits Town Hall throughout the year. Our arborist felt that the old trees were no longer in great shape, and needed to be replaced,” said Mayor Michael Venezia. “The dedicated men and women of our DPW vetted tree vendors to ensure we got the best available spruce trees, at the best price, and handled the removal of the old trees, conserving taxpayer dollars. I am excited for the planting of the new spruce trees, which will beautify our town for decades to come.”

“These new Colorado Blue Spruce trees, known in the industry as ‘‪Fat Alberts‬’ were purchased from a vendor that our arborist has dealt with before, and the vendor has allowed us to see the trees at every stage of this process,” said Anthony Nesto, Director of Public Works and Parks.

Officials say these trees are semi-mature, currently standing 16 feet tall, and can grow up to 25 feet tall, with little to no maintenance.

The ‘‪Fat Alberts‬’ were purchased from Deerfield Tree Farm in Boonton, using Community Development Block Grant funding. The old spruce trees were not in optimal condition, and were removed this morning by a crew of six DPW workers.

The new trees will be planted by an outside contractor later this week, also using CDBG funding. Colorado Blue Spruce trees have average lifespans of well over 100 years.