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Bloomfield Township Acquires Electric Vehicles to Help Reduce Carbon Footprint


“By: Yuritza Arroyo

 Bloomfield Mayor Michael Venezia is proud to announce the Township has acquired four new electric vehicles (EV) and received grants for two more for use by its municipal departments.

According to officials, the Townships’ four new sedans and two trucks will replace older gasoline-powered vehicles in their fleet and bring their EV total to ten.

“The purchase of these new electric vehicles signifies another step in our effort to reduce our carbon footprint and protect the health of our community,” said Mayor Venezia.

“I believe this investment in clean energy will pay dividends in the future, and we will continue to find new ways to become more sustainable." 


The purchase was made as part of Mayor Venezia’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and under his administration, regular “energy audits” are performed to identify ways of reducing the Township’s environmental impact through green initiatives that lessen carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency, and promote renewable energy. 

The Township has already installed public charging stations at the municipal parking lot and the Glenwood Avenue parking garage, and is exploring the feasibility of installing additional stations at convenient locations throughout the community. 

It has also invested in energy-efficient infrastructure such as LED lighting and high-efficiency cooling systems, which reduce energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and require less maintenance.

The Township is also currently in the process of revising its Stormwater Pollution Protection Plan to include Green Best Management Practices (BMPs). 

By investing in green initiatives and energy-efficient infrastructure, Mayor Venezia is reducing the Townships energy consumption and carbon footprint, while saving taxpayers’ money through reduced energy costs and maintenance expenses.


