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Bergen County Middle School Handbell Ringers Get Expert Guidance from Eighth Graders

Bergen County


By: Richard L. Smith 

In a heartwarming collaboration, first-year handbell ringers at the Academy of the Holy Angels Middle School benefit from expert guidance and hands-on support from experienced eighth-grade students.

This unique mentorship program has fostered a strong sense of camaraderie among budding musicians.

AHA's Performing Arts Director, Daniel Mahoney, commended the eighth-grade girls for their pivotal role in nurturing the middle school's handbell "team."

"This partnership is a beautiful way for the older students to share their talents and form bonds with the youngest handbell players," Mahoney enthusiastically stated.


The AHA Middle School, which opened its doors in September 2021, offers a variety of opportunities for young musicians to hone their instrumental and vocal skills.

Grades 6 through 8 students can participate in the middle school's chorus, orchestra, or beginner or intermediate handbell ensembles.

