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VALENTINES DAY: 3 Ways To Turn OFF Your Work Brain For VDAY Date Night

New Jersey

By: O.L. and Sway Buckley

Whether you’re working in the business with your spouse or there’s only one of you in business, you’re still building a legacy together- and business can overtake your marriage if you let it. 

If you can relate, you likely know how challenging it can be to be fully present with your spouse without your brain still at work. We know this all too well.  

After 10+ years of working in separate businesses and together, we’ve discovered three simple yet powerful tools to support our desire to be fully present, not just on VDay but on any date night. It isn’t always easy, but when you have the right tools, it makes it easier!


If you’re a marriedpreneur couple seeking insight like this, keep reading. These 3 points below have been a game changer for our marriedpreneur journey.

Point 1: Make Mental Margins

Mental preparedness is key for mental presence. One way to create mental margins is to implement a daily shutdown routine. This requires intentionality and discipline. But it’s worth the work. 

Point 2: Call Your Shot

Create the practice of holding each other accountable by asking this question in your daily legacy meetings: “What time are we stopping work today?” It has a way of focusing your effort and aligning expectations. 


Point 3: Trick Then Treat

Oftentimes, large projects are put at the end or middle of the work day (if in business full-time). When this happens, undoubtedly, you’ll end up working right into a date night or even through it. One tweak that’s worked for us is to switch up the day.

Psych your mind to tackle the most time-consuming tasks EARLY in the day, giving you more time (and energy) to recoup and enjoy each other.

Bonus:  Know Your Triggers

Make room for ‘life’ to happen. In other words, the unexpected should be expected. When that happens, be aware of overcommitment and underestimating how long tasks will take. Misaligned aligned expectations only lead to frustration. 

These few points have made a drastic difference when we work to implement them consistently-and, not just once a year.

The ROI is higher when it’s a lifestyle. If you’re a married entrepreneur couple seeking more systems that will scale your business without strain, grab our free Marriedpreneur Operating Systems Checklist at


O.L. and Sway Buckley are the founders of Marriedpreneur Life Consultancy, where they equip married entrepreneur couples to scale their businesses without straining the marriage. Are you building a business with your spouse (or with the support of your spouse), and do you need a clear strategy to execute? Schedule a free Systems Assessment Call at
