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University Hospital Nurse Stabbed During Newark Robbery


Rutgers University Police are investigating an aggravated assault robbery where one of their hospital nurses was injured Sunday evening.

Police responded to 185 South Orange Ave., Parking Lot 1, in Newark, Sunday at approximately 7:30 p.m. for a report of an aggravated assault robbery.

The victim, a University Hospital employee, was approached by a perpetrator, who made a demand for money and stabbed her in the abdomen.  

The unidentified victim, was able to stumble from the parking lot back into the building where medical personnel treated her injuries.

Description of the perpetrator is limited at this time.

The Rutgers Police Department asks that anyone with information, or who may have been in the area at the time, to contact the RUPD Detective Bureau at (973) 972-6394 or the RUPD Communications Center, available 24/7 at (973) 393-4451.