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Today is the Final Day to Fill Out 2020 Census

As of a Supreme Court decision that was made on Tuesday, today, October 15 will be the last day that anyone can submit their 2020 Census information.

The Census Bureau has said that they will be accepting online responses through their [**website**]( until 11:59 p.m. Hawaii time, which is 5:59 a.m. on October 16 for New Jersey.

The Census Bureau has also said that phone calls and house visits for households that are unresponsive will stop on at the end of the day today. October 15 is also the postmark date for any mail-in responses.

According to the Census website, it is required for everyone to participate and it's important because "census data guide[s] how more than $675 billion of federal funding is distributed to states and communities each year."

The Census can be filled out online, on the Census Bureau [**website**](, by [**phone**]( by calling 844-330-2020 or by [**mail**]( by filling out the form that would have been mailed to your house.
