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New Jersey

By: Dr. Phyllis Bivins-Hudson

RLS Media showed up and showed out on Thursday evening for my Flying on Broken Wings show!Other Many of my RLS blog readers were present as well.

Thank you so much for your engagement. I truly cherish it and appreciate you.

For those of you who could not make it on Thursday evening, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing the legendary Raven Symone.

We had an awesome hour together on my Instagram Live show, talking about mental health challenges, the broken wing trope, and stepping into one’s truth.

Raven spoke in depth about each of these topics.

In fact, she shared with our audience some of the mental health issues she has experienced.

In doing so, we dove into the conversation deeply enough to talk about why the subject of mental health carries such a stigma, why people of color don’t and won’t talk about it, and we offered some suggestions for how to deal with mental challenges.

As for the broken wing trope, we shared information about how people have been flying on broken wings for a very long time and how many of us stand on the wings of others.

Then our conversation shifted to the direction of what it takes to walk in one’s truth and how Raven has found her truth and has been walking in it for quite some time.

She was very transparent about her life and how she struggled with this truth until she knew who she truly was, and then she purposely decided to step into that place and live her life more fully.

Finally, we were introduced to her newest family member, Qin, a Yorkie Terrier mix. Raven says he’s a new addition to the family and that she loves him very much.

But I would be remiss if I didn’t share the entire conversation with you.

Therefore, I have included the link in this blog so that you may hear and see for yourself.

I want you to experience the full one-hour conversation, and then, if you like the experience, leave a comment. But most of all, follow me on Instagram and Facebook @drpgbhudson.

Click HERE for a recap of the Raven interview: OtherFor all my book lovers out there, I invite you to join me for a reading from my book, Flying on Broken Wings, on November 2, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at The Book House, 281 Essex Street, Millburn, NJ.

If you have already read my book, but your copy is unsigned, bring it, and I would be happy to sign it; or if you are in the market to purchase a copy before the event, I would suggest you bring it with you to the event for my autograph.

You can purchase an autographed copy from my website at Copies can also be purchased from Amazon; however, those copies will have to be brought to the event for an autograph. Or you can purchase a copy during the November 2nd event.

This is a free event, and there will be light fare.

It would be awesome to get to actually meet some of my RLS Media blog readers in person.

Make sure you identify yourself to me when you arrive, I’d love to personally say hello. 

Until next time, keep flying on your own wings.