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Q & A Sunday: Marriedpreneurs Launching A Business… Listen Up!

New Jersey


By: Sway & O.L Buckley 

Today marks our first round of Q & Sunday, which was created to offer strategic insight into a situation other married entrepreneur couples may face. 

We're answering questions straight from Jersey to all over the world. 

To kick it off, we're starting with a prevalent question that often comes across our radar. Your husband may not be an artist, but this question of how we begin both is common. So here it is.


When requesting insight like this, it's essential to understand many times that it's hardly ever a black-and-white issue. Our goal is to help you know how to think about a predicament like this so the thinking can be applied to similar situations. 

Our initial response to this question is it depends. 

Marriedpreneur Life Podcast

What exactly does it depend on?

Here's what you want to think about when faced with this kind of dilemma:

  • What's your marriedprenur vision? In other words, what is the big picture you are seeking to build together? Sometimes, we do things for a season with a plan and strategy to transition. So if you're feeling an unfulfilling role, what is the exit strategy? That brings accountability into the picture as well. 
  • Next, if you desire to start something different from your spouse, that's fine. The tension often comes based on the timing. The fastest way to build momentum is to have a singular focus. We recommend that the two speak about not only the BIG picture but also the order for the big picture to be executed. This brings order to all of the moving pieces. 
  • If we were conversing, the next question might be, how do you know which one to start with? This is a valid question. Without knowing any other details, we recommend applying the LHF Rule (Lowest Hanging Fruit). Where do you already have traction? Where are the most opportunities? Please pay attention to that and then lean into it.  
  • Once you all apply the LHF Rule, then you'll have more clarity. However, you'll want to determine the mile markers so you know what you're working towards. For example, how soon do you need to hire a coach to support your growth? How soon do you need to outsource help? How soon do you need to raise your prices? How much profit do you want to make over the next 30 days? You want to discuss these questions, so you'll know when you reach that point. But often, you'll tweak your answer once you align your expectations of what's required. 
  • marriedpreneur operating systems checklist

We hope you glean the nuggets from this question and apply them to your business this week. Systems are the bedrock of any sustainable business.

If you're seeking business mentoring, consider scheduling a free Systems Clarity Call with us here.

We're rootin' for you!


