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Operation Noble Eagle Veteran Honored by Morris County, Mount Olive

Mount Olive

The Morris County Freeholders and the Mount Olive Township Council presented the Morris County Distinguished Military Service Medal today to David F. Marciano of Flanders, a long-time paramedic and EMS worker whose lengthy service in the New Jersey Army National Guard included protecting the nation from further assaults following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Marciano, who joined the National Guard in 1989, was activated under Operation Noble Eagle after terrorists crashed hijacked-passenger planes into the twin towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and a Somerset County, PA. field.

He was presented the medal during a brief ceremony at the American Legion Post 342 in Chester Township, where officials noted that his service included guarding port facilities, power plants and infrastructure before he was honorably discharged in 2004.

“Your mission, which included performing security at military installations, airports, nuclear plants and port facilities, underscored the very definition of the domestic responsibility of the National Guard – to protect the homeland,” Freeholder Director Deborah Smith said. “Your professional career has also involved a dedication to public service as you have spent 21 years as a paramedic and 25 years as an EMS. For your dedication to duty, Mr. David Marciano, we thank you.”

Marciano has worked as a paramedic with St. Joseph’s Health in Paterson since November 1999 and as a paramedic per diem with University Hospital in Newark since July 2012.

Mount Olive Council Vice President Alex Roman and Councilman Greg Stewart also honored Marciano at the small event, which was deliberately conducted with a minimal number of dignitaries because of pandemic protocols.

Also participating were Michael Williams of the Morris County Veteran Services Office, who presented a brief history of the medal being established by the Freeholders in 1999, and Chester Township Councilman Mike Inganamort.

“I’m honored that you come from Mount Olive Township. You are a shining example of the kind of residents we have not only in Morris County but in Mount Olive. Thank you once again for your service,” Councilman Roman said.

Marciano is the adjutant at the American Legion Post 342. Post representatives who attended the ceremony included Finance Officer Larry Oppel and Sergeant-at-Arms Hal Saks.

Marciano was a sergeant when he was honorably discharged from the New Jersey Army National Guard after serving 15 years at various bases in Florida, New Jersey and elsewhere.

He also has volunteered his time with the Boy Scouts of America. He and his wife, Diane, have two sons, David F. Jr., a Mount Olive High School Senior attending the welding technology program at the Morris County Vocational School, and Landon, a 5th grader.