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Morris County Participates in 'Table of Hope’s' Thanksgiving Giveaway

Morris County

By: Najla Alexander 

Hope 1 Morris County officials reported that on Friday, November 18, 2021, several Morris County Prosecutor’s Office members joined Table of Hope to distribute frozen turkeys and food boxes at the County College of Morris.

Hope 2 Officials say that the drive-through giveaway serves the Morris County community for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.   

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According to officials, it is hosted by the Spring Street Community Development Corporation (SSCDC) and County College of Morris. 

The giveaway is supported by Alstede Farms, Bethel Church, Community Food Bank of NJ, the Morris County Sheriff’s Department, and the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, officials report. 

Hope 4 In anticipation of the giveaway day, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office PBA Local #327 donated 82 turkeys, officials are excited to report. 

Hope 5Hope 6 Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll and First Assistant Prosecutor Maggie Calderwood said, “During these challenging times, we are honored to join our community partners in providing turkeys and food boxes to families in need. We hope that their Thanksgiving may be made a little brighter this year.”

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