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Managing Your Energy Budget As Marriedpreneurs

New Jersey

By: O.L./Sway Buckley

Early on this marriedpreneur journey, we discovered that money and time are not the only things we should add to our budget equation. 

We realized we could have the money to pursue a goal but not the time. 

Then we learned that we could have the time but be short on financial resources. 

For years, we thought these were the only resources we needed to focus on when accomplishing our targets. But then, one day, we found ourselves in a situation where we had the money for an opportunity and the time but still couldn't seem to accomplish a goal.

We grew frustrated with ourselves as the only reason that came to mind was that we were lazy. But that didn't sit well with us. 

Team HarrisAfter giving it intentional thought, we concluded that we simply were on E in the energy department. That's when we realized how important it is to start an energy budget. 

Here's how we mind our energy budget (sometimes we get it right; other times, we learn). 


Our energy budget is considered daily as we list our top 3 wins in our legacy meetings. 

TASK MATCHING: We match our primary tasks with the energy they will require and THEN schedule them based on when we would likely have the energy to execute. 

Marriedpreneur PodcastBLOCKING: Whenever we have a strategy, distraction ALWAYS comes. It's part of the weeding-out process. So that means, whatever the task is, expect an important phone call, email, or something to distract your attention from the task at hand.

When you are aware, you can prepare and respond when you are complete. That may mean having a DND on a phone and other devices. 

We implement these three by starting with a Dream Work Week Template. This intentional scheduler helps to streamline what matters most in a big-picture format.

It holds both spouses accountable and serves as a map of how to accomplish daily goals in a tactical way. 

Operating Systems ChecklistIf you're a marriedpreneur couple seeking to implement this kind of system, you can grab our free Marriedpreneur Dream Work Week Template here. 

Here's to living purposefully, powerfully, and profitably in sync, 

O.L. & Sway

O.L. is a former banker turned real estate consultant and entrepreneur. Sway is a former CEO of a staffing firm she started on her dorm room floor to pay for college. Together, they co-own Marriedpreneur Life Consultancy, equipping faith-based married entrepreneur couples with high-level systems to scale (without strain). They're the creators of the Marriedpreneur Operating Systems and the co-hosts of The Marriedprenuer Life Podcast, which was praised as one of Wedding Wire's top relationship podcasts. Learn more at
