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Irvington Township Spreads Thanksgiving Joy Through Acts of Generosity

Irvington Township

By: Richard L. Smith 

As we wake up this morning and Thanksgiving Day dawned upon the Township of Irvington, a heartwarming story of generosity and community spirit unfolded, led by the Honorable Mayor Tony Vauss.

Thanksgiving On Wednesday, November 22, Mayor Vauss, alongside various dedicated departments and individuals, embarked on a mission to share the blessings of the season with seniors and those in need throughout Irvington.

The packages distributed were more than just a Thanksgiving meal; they contained enough food to sustain individuals for the entire week following the holiday.Ad Mayor Vauss, accompanied by Anthony Vauss Junior, his chief of staff, and Councilwoman Dr. October Hudley, personally visited numerous senior buildings and centers within Irvington.

Officials told RLS Media that among the locations visited were 712 15th Ave., 1 Linden Ave., 624 Nye Ave., and 280 Park Place.

MayorA total of 1400 turkeys and baskets filled with essential food items found their way into the homes of grateful residents.

Mayor Vauss went even further by taking to the streets to distribute baskets of food and turkeys to those in need outside the Irvington Neighborhood Improvement Corporation.

His personal touch in ensuring that no one was left behind exemplified his unwavering dedication to serving the community and making a positive impact on the lives of others.AdThis remarkable endeavor didn't begin on Thanksgiving Day itself. On November 21, Mayor Vauss, Pastor Jerry Smith, and the Rabbi distributed turkeys at the Transcend Worship Center.

Beyond the turkeys, bags of groceries included practical items like shower heads and surge protectors, ensuring that the community's needs were met in various ways.

Mayor This Thanksgiving season, the township's efforts stand as a testament to the unity and support found within the community. It is an honor and a privilege to witness such a dedicated group of individuals coming together to make someone else's life a little brighter during this special time of year.

Residents commended the residents of Irvington and the volunteers who joined this noble cause for their contributions to spreading the spirit of Thanksgiving.

