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IHOP: Irvington Township Celebrates Community Spirit with "Breakfast for Dinner" Holiday Giveback 

Irvington Township

By: Richard L. Smith 

This holiday season, the warmth of community spirit shone brightly in Irvington as The Honorable Mayor Tony Vauss, the Irvington Township Council, and local entrepreneur Ms. Adenah Bayoh, owner of the town's IHOP, came together in a grand gesture of gratitude and giving.Ad On December 19, 2023, the IHOP in Irvington closed its doors to regular business to host a unique "Breakfast for Dinner" event.

This special occasion was not just a meal but a celebration of community and the unbreakable bond between the town and its residents.

The idea, born from Ms. Bayoh's deep commitment to her community, was a heartfelt thank you to the residents of Irvington Township for their unwavering support.

IrvingtonAttendees were treated to a delightful spread of hot meals, including classic IHOP favorites like pancakes, French toast, bacon, sausage, eggs, and steaming cups of hot chocolate.

The atmosphere was filled with joy and warmth as neighbors came together, sharing stories and laughter over delicious food.

This event was more than just a culinary treat; it was a testament to the strong community values that Irvington holds dear. It was one of several holiday initiatives the township undertook to spread cheer and goodwill among its residents. 

Irvington township

Mayor Tony Vauss and the Municipal Council's involvement highlighted their commitment to nurturing a sense of unity and support within the community, a sentiment that becomes even more poignant during the holiday season.

Their presence, along with that of Ms. Bayoh, sent a powerful message of unity and care. It's a true reminder that the true spirit of the season is about giving back, sharing joy, and celebrating the bonds that connect us all.

Happy Holidays from Mayor Tony Vauss, the Municipal Council, and the Township of Irvington Township!

