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Female Officers File Sexual Harassment Lawsuits Against Caldwell’s Chief of Police


Caldwell’s Chief of Police is facing a second lawsuit filed by the only other female officer who accuses him of making lewd sexual remarks.

According to this week’s suit, Officer Jessica Luszcz alleges that Police Chief James Bongiorno made inappropriate comments about her to superior officers that ultimately isolating her from department.

"She has great boobs," speculating that they were fake;

"She has daddy issues;"

"I would love to do dirty things to her;"

“She has to be a freak in bed," and

"Look at her hands and nails, I wonder what she can do with those hands."

The officer also alleged that during her 13-year tenure, she has been overlooked from being promoted while male officers have allegedly moved up in ranks.

The other suit was filed by Police Officer Candace Marinaro against the Borough of Caldwell and Police Chief James Bongiorno. The suit claimed that the chief has made racist and vulgar comments about and to her throughout Mariano’s 12-year tenure in the department.

Officials say both allegations are under investigations.