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Off-Duty Detective Commended After Assisting Driver, Children Out of Smoky Vehicle Following Crash in Woodbridge

Woodbridge Township Morris County

An off-duty detective was presented a commendation last week after assisting a driver and two children exit a smoky vehicle involved in a crash.

According to officials, on Feb. 1st, Morris County Prosecutor Fredric Knapp and Chief of Investigations Stephen F. Wilson, Jr. presented a commendation to Detective Supervisor Patrick LaGuerre for his efforts in providing aid at the scene of a motor vehicle accident while he was traveling off-duty.

Officials say Detective Supervisor Patrick Laguerre was traveling on Route 1 in Woodbridge Township on December 31, 2018. He witnessed a single car crash into a large tree due to the rainy weather and poor road conditions.

According to police, smoke quickly began emanating from the hood of the car. Detective Supervisor LaGuerre protected the disabled vehicle with his personal vehicle by parking it on the roadway in front of the disabled vehicle. He then ensured that there were no serious injuries and moved one adult and two children out of the smoking vehicle. While waiting for assistance from first responders, Detective Supervisor LaGuerre directed traffic to further protect the disabled vehicle and its occupants.

Prosecutor Knapp said, “Detective Supervisor LaGuerre’s immediate action in providing aid to the disabled vehicle likely prevented further damage and injury to the victims. His actions exemplify the quality and character of Morris County Prosecutor’s Office personnel”.