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Attention Husbands: It Only Takes 1%

New Jersey

By: O.L./Sway Buckley

Labor Day is great for asking, 'Why do I procrastinate?'

That was meant to be funny, but honestly, why?

Many of us (even as husbands) procrastinate because we assume that significant results come from substantial changes. If you're trying to fill a swimming pool, more than cups of water will be needed.

But massive change isn't necessary for meaningful results.

Team DempseySmall changes can yield significant results, and meaningful results are what matters.

Much of our professional lives are measured by quantity. It's all about how much we can produce and sell. In one sense, the amount is meaningful. 

I've found that meaningful change in my marriage, business, and personal well-being only takes me to do something 1% different from what I was doing. 

Many of us procrastinate with starting, stopping, and building things because we bought into the notion that it takes a lot to change a lot. 

Here are six critical areas in which I've experienced meaningful results in my life by only pursuing a 1% change: 

Marriedpreneur Life

  1. Make five minutes of prayer a priority: before going from task to task, including getting dressed in the morning. The soul must prioritize its creator or rely on its wisdom and strength.
  2. Accept your finitude: acknowledge that we're finite creatures who require proper rest. The entrepreneur hustle culture that says, 'sleep when you're dead.' Wisdom says, 'Get adequate rest,' or you may hasten death. 
  3. Learn to love water: If you're dry it on the inside, it'll appear on the outside. Hydration is one tip to fight brain fog.
  4. Love sacrificially: Whenever I act selfishly, it makes marriage more difficult. Your conscience is clearer when your life is selfless. Not to be confused with self-loathing, which is unhealthy in any context.
  5. Ask for a second to think: I'm amazed at how long it took for me to start doing this. I thought everything asked of me demanded a snap decision. NO. Most things don't. 
  6. Starting moves the needle: My wife and I teach planning, but planning can also be a trap. There's a reason for action in the word traction.

 1% can change—many things. Things happen as soon as you decide; moving a mountain only takes 1%.

Success-Mapping CallIf you're looking for insights on systems that help keep you two working powerfully in sync AND show you how to build margin for the millions of things that have to get done, schedule a free success mapping call with us here.

O.L. & Sway

O.L. is a former banker turned real estate consultant and entrepreneur. Sway is a former CEO of a staffing firm she started on her dorm room floor to pay for college. Together, they co-own Marriedpreneur Life Consultancy, equipping faith-based married entrepreneur couples with high-level systems to scale (without strain). They're the creators of the Marriedpreneur Operating Systems and the co-hosts of The Marriedprenuer Life Podcast, which was praised as one of Wedding Wire's top relationship podcasts. Learn more at
