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3 Obvious Signs It's Time To Hire A Coach/Consultant For Your Marriedpreneur Journey

By: O.L./Sway Buckley

It was a mess when we first got married and started working in separate businesses. 

We didn't know what we didn't know. 

We had very few work boundaries because we loved our work and couldn't afford to take days off (or so we thought). As a result, our marriage suffered greatly, and we knew something HAD to change. We were on a downward spiral, fast. 

We decided to invest in marriage counseling and business coaching. Both brought different tools to our toolbox. We started to see the growth and new habits we instituted over time together. 

MarriedpreneurLife.comWe would not be where we are today (with a very healthy, not to be confused with perfect, marriage) and businesses that we genuinely enjoy running (due to the systems and automation implemented). Not every couple is aware when it's time to hire a coach or consultant to support your marriedpreneur journey, so we'll share three obvious signs so you know what to look out for. 

Let's first define the difference between a coach and a consultant to be certain we are on the same page:

A coach enables the individual he or she is working with to solve problems, while a consultant is an expert that will solve problems for the team. 

marriedpreneur operating systems checklistNow, here are three signs that it's time to hire a coach or a consultant for your marriedpreneur journey:

➡️ You feel stuck due to needing more clarity on moving the needle forward. It's time to hire a marriedpreneur coach/consultant.

➡️ You're an expert in your industry, but you need to gain the skills to scale your business without putting your marriage on the back burner. It's time to hire a marriedpreneur coach/consultant.

➡️ You need to figure out how to support your spouse in the business or build the business together in a way that is powerfully in sync. It's time to hire a marriedpreneur coach/consultant.

Marriedpreneur Life PodcastIf you can identify with any of these points, It's time to hire a marriedpreneur coach/consultant. At Marriedprenuer Life, we offer both coaching and consulting as each marriage has a unique vision and skillsets to employ. Should you need help, schedule a Success-Mapping call here.

Here’s to living purposefully, powerfully, and profitably in sync, 

O.L. & Sway

Success-Mapping Call

O.L. is a former banker turned real estate consultant and entrepreneur. Sway is a former CEO of a staffing firm she started on her dorm room floor to pay for college. Together they co-own Marriedpreneur Life Consultancy, equipping married entrepreneur couples with high-level systems to scale without strain. They're the co-hosts of The Marriedprenuer Life Podcast, which was praised as one of Wedding Wire's top relationship podcasts to listen to. Learn more at
